Home|Theme Scenarios|Stage Design|Theme Images|Troika Ranch|AIR

The Troika Ranch print takes shape at the AIR studio. 

Students contributed ideas and drawings to develop the first print for the Troika Ranch project. This print will serve as a poster to announce the event to the community. Artists in residence Bob Beckman and Ian Short are preparing the images for printing which will be done by students on December 19th at the AIR studio.

Click for the December 19th work session.

Click on the picture for larger image.


Dsc00021.jpg (87987 bytes)Ian Short cuts stencils based on student artwork.
Bob Beckman plans the arrangement of images.Dsc00025.jpg (89664 bytes)
Student drawings, photographs and graphics transformed into transparent films for the burning of silkscreens. 

Dsc00023.jpg (89948 bytes)Dsc00024.jpg (88748 bytes)

Dsc00022.jpg (97301 bytes)Dsc00027.jpg (81955 bytes) Dsc00026.jpg (81357 bytes)Films and screens of  student drawings.