Classical Jazz '05



Gallileo Tribute on 2/22/10 at 09:31:52 AM

Gallileo Tribute on 2/22/10 at 09:31:52 AM


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Artist: Mark Waugh
School: North Allegheny
This is a tribute to the scientist Galileo. I incorporated all the things that I associate with him with the main focus being on space, since he was the only person from his time that theorized about the sun being the center of the universe. He also invented the first telescope which I also incorporated. I went with a black and white theme since it matched the picture I found of him and also the white moon set behind him. 


Russell Beatrous from: North Allegheny - posted: March 25, 2010

Actually, there were several other early scientists who believed in heliocentricism. Additionally, the concept predates Christianity, and was fairly widespread in the ancient Roman Empire.

Kyle Amoroso from: North Allegheny - posted: September 9, 2011
Wow nice job!  Great use of black and white here.

Deion Bailey from: North Allegheny - posted: September 3, 2014
I like the use of the black and white. The head on the moon is what caught my eye.

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