Classical Jazz '05



Music Box Lullaby

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Artist: Kimberly Watson
School: North Allegheny
Hi ! I'm Kim. This is my first composition EVER! It was really scary to write. I kept starting over thinking that it just wasn't complicated enough. But, being my first, i finally came to realize that it didn't matter. "Start off simple," I told myself. So i tried to think of a very simple sound. The first thing that popped into my head was a music box. Hence, my composition.... Music Box Lullaby.


Bob Tozier from: North Allegheny - posted: October 2, 2008
Hi Kim.  I would like to say that many of the great compositions may be considered "simple." I think your composition is great.  My daughter was mesmerized by the sound.

Kimberly Watson from: North Allegheny - posted: October 14, 2008
Thank you very much ! You are my first comment Mr.T ! lol I read it with my mom. We were both very excited. Thank you again for the feedback!

Rachael Cooper from: North Allegheny - posted: November 18, 2008
Beautiful, just beautiful. If this is what you get keeping it 'simple', I can't wait to see what you come up with when its 'complicated'.

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